Is a DBA Degree Worth it?
Is earning a DBA degree worth it? What is a DBA degree? Isn’t earning an MBA all you need to succeed in the business world?
On earning an MBA in the early 1960s, former General Motors vice chairman Robert Lutz equated it to a sailor’s tattoo, saying: “I got it before I knew any better”. If you want to lead in business, this, in a nutshell, is what makes earning a DBA degree worth it. Let’s explain.
Long considered the ticket into the C suite, an MBA has lost some of the clout it once had. Lutz and many others like him think we’ve got enough MBAs. It’s a matter of supply and demand. Too much of the former and not enough of the later. The value goes down. Gaining an upper hand in the rapidly changing business world requires a competitive edge that an MBA no longer provides.
What is a DBA?
A Doctor in Business administration degree (DBA) is a “terminal” degree – along with a Ph.D., the highest academic degree awarded in business administration.
What distinguishes a Ph.D. from a DBA?
Traditionally, earning a Ph.D. leads to entering a tenure-track professorship. People taking this route generally focus on applied teaching or theoretical research.
Conventional DBA programs have arguably had similar aims as a Ph.D., but that is changing. Back when Lutz got his MBA in the 60s, an MBA was the practical route into business administration. Anything beyond that, whether a Ph.D. or a DBA, was useful mainly for publishing research and teaching. Advanced degrees weren’t that practical, the thinking went.
Those thoughts are changing. With a greater need for innovation and thought leadership in business, advanced theories and concepts find a home in the real world.
Today, forward-thinking DBA programs ground studies in theory and research, but with the intent of applying the scholarship to real-world business applications.
ROI of the online DBA from Touro University Worldwide
The Doctor of Business Administration program from Touro University Worldwide (TUW) takes this new approach. The program combines rigorous scholarship with advanced skills and knowledge for solving the most complex real-world issues in business.
The many unique features of the DBA program include:
- Study 100 percent online using the latest educational technology
- No GRE required
- Geared for busy, working professionals
- Study and research cutting-edge theories and concepts
- Advance your post-professional leadership in your chosen industry
- Gain confidence navigating changes in the global business environment
- Affordable tuition, greater ROI
ROI: Is a DBA Degree Worth It?
In a highly charged and shifting global business environment, the scholarship, skills, and knowledge achieved in a modern DBA program can mean the difference between leadership, innovation, and success or business-as-usual.
The online Doctor of Business Administration degree program from Touro University Worldwide provides the flexibility of study for professionals already fully engaged in their careers. It also demands the commitment and motivation required for any doctoral program.
For business leaders and professionals motivated to reach their full potential, the unique flexibility, scholarship, and affordability make the TUW DBA program a wise investment in their future.