Mission, Role and Capacity
The mission of the Office of Institutional Research (OIR) at TUW is to support the continuation of student-centered approach as an institution dedicated to continued improvement of teaching and learning. The Office of Institutional Research reports to the Office of Academic Affairs.
The Office of Institutional Research (OIR) plays an important role in the provision of information for planning and decision making in all facets of the TUW Robust Learning Model, both for administrative and academic capacities.
Based on research presented by Douglass and Chirikov (2020) and Swing (2017), academic institutional research capability and capacity generally focuses on the concept of data-driven decision-making that includes:
- Data collection and maintenance on core university activities.
- Outcomes assessment, program review and accreditation.
- Institutional reporting and analysis.
- Data analytics and strategic planning.
Institutional Research provides official data and information about TUW external agencies as appropriate, and the TUW administration, faculty and staff. OIR supports University-wide strategic planning, supports Academic Program Review, manages/coordinates the majority of campus survey development and research, and provides/reports management information and policy analysis.
OIR Supports a Diverse Community Worldwide
TUW is a unique community of learners consisting of adult learners worldwide. Our student body consists of military personnel from all branches of the U.S. Armed Forces, Department of Defense personnel, single parents with careers, as well as the professional student with a thirst for knowledge.
TUW has a diverse faculty and staff that complement the student population. Additionally, most of the faculty and staff hold degrees from Bachelor’s through Ph.D and culturally contributes to TUW’s diverse community of learners.
This site is dedicated to provide information about TUW-TCLA for prospective students, parents, faculty and staff, regulatory agencies, those who conduct college surveys, and the general public. The links below provide more detailed information about TUW and TCLA.
Touro University Worldwide
Touro College Los Angeles
Contact Information:
Dr. Aaron Brownstein
Director of Institutional Research
Office of Institutional Research
- Douglass, A. and Chirikov, I. (2020, May 18). Refocusing institutional research on university needs. University World News. https://www.universityworldnews.com/post.php?story=20200518114757175
- Swing, R. (2017). Institutional Research Capacity: Foundations of Federal Data Quality. Association for Institutional Research (AIR). https://www.airweb.org/docs/default-source/documents-for-pages/reports-and-publications/institutional_research_capacity.pdf?sfvrsn=c6744ab7_2